Can you still build muscle at 40, 50, and beyond? The answer is yes. New University of Oklahoma research has shown in an 8 week study that men 35 to 50 build just as much muscle, if not more, than men ages 18 to 22. After 8 weeks of following the same program, Dexa-Scans revealed that the college-aged men put on 2 pounds of muscle while the middle-aged group put on 2.5 pounds of muscle! They were also able to increase their bench press strength twice as much as the college-aged group!
The study was done on men, but the same can be applied to women as well. We see it happen every day here at MakeYourBody. We not only show you how to lift to build muscle, improve your condition all while avoiding injury, we actually teach it to you. The four most important factors in building muscle and feeling better as you get older are nutrition, anaerobic exercise (Weightlifting), condition improvement and injury prevention. Here at MakeYourBody we've got you covered on all 4!
